RitualistWeapon of Shadow
Weapon of Shadow
10 1 20
Attribute: Restoration Magic · Campaign: Factions.
Weapon spell. For 1...6...7 seconds, target ally has a Weapon of Shadow. Whenever that ally is struck by an attack, that ally's attacker becomes Blinded for 5 seconds. The next 1...3...3 times that ally hits with an attack, his target is Blinded for 5 seconds.
  • Increased the number of times Blindness is applied to 1...3...3 attacks
Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
Skill revisions (4)
  • Weapon of Shadow · 10 1 20
  • Weapon spell. For 1...6...7 seconds, target ally has a Weapon of Shadow. Whenever that ally is struck by an attack, that ally's attacker becomes Blinded for 5 seconds. The next 0...2...3 times that ally hits with an attack, his target is Blinded for 5 seconds. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    • Decreased duration to 1...6...7 seconds, added the following functionality: "The next 0...2...3 times that ally hits with an attack, his target is Blinded for 5 seconds"
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
  • Weapon of Shadow · 10 1 20
  • Weapon spell. For 3...7...8 seconds, target ally has a Weapon of Shadow. Whenever that ally is struck by an attack, that ally's attacker becomes Blinded for 5 seconds. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    • Decreased duration to 3...7...8 seconds
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
  • Weapon of Shadow · 10 1 20
  • Weapon spell. For 5...9...10 seconds, target ally has a Weapon of Shadow. Whenever that ally is struck by an attack, that ally's attacker becomes Blinded for 5 seconds. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    • Increased Blindness duration to 5 seconds
    • Decreased recharge time to 20 seconds
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
  • Weapon of Shadow · 10 1 25
  • Weapon spell. For 5...9...10 seconds, target ally has a Weapon of Shadow. Whenever that ally is struck by an attack, that ally's attacker becomes Blinded for 3 seconds. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021